Àlex Nogué

Àlex Nogué is a visual artist as well as a  Professor at the University of Barcelona. His drawings, paintings and sculptures have been shown in galleries and museums in Europe as well as abroad. He has also devised a theoretical thought on the practice of art, which has been published and commented in lectures, magazines and books at length.

His works recreate elements drawn from landscapes and contemporary scientific  principles  which are  interpreted in a metaphorical way using  minimalist aesthetics and employing different techniques of expression.

In many occasions, he has shared his creative process by working together with professionals from other fields such as architects, poets, scientists, etc. He lives and works in Hostelets d’en Bas, Catalonia.

 Individual Exhibitions

  • “42ª North / 2º East”, Esther Montoriol Art Gallery, Barcelona. Spain.
  • “Records And  Positions”, Horizon Art Gallery, Colera, Girona. Spain.
  • “Light for John Baldressar’s plant”, HIAP, Kaapeli, Helsinki.
  • “23 Fragen mit Antworten”  with Ester Baulida, Arthotek, München. Germany
  • "23 Questions With Answers” with Ester Baulida, Espai Zero1, Olot and Can Palauet, Matarò. Spain.
  • “Landscape With Figures II”, Espai Contemporani Capella de sant Roc, Valls,Tarragona. Spain.
  • “Landschaft mit Figuren III”,  in  Nach-Denken, Kunst-und Gewerbeverein Regensburg, Germany.




  • “Espai recíproc” (Reciprocal space), Interactive digital animation via net-art. (55”)
  • “Paisatge des del santuari” (Landscape from the sanctuary), Art Director: Àlex Nogué. Digital animation: Pau Carulla. Part of video installation of same title. Production: Àlex Nogué and  Fundació espais d’Art Contemporani (Black and white, 15’40’’).
  • “Dos llums” (Two lights), Art Direction and Image: Àlex Nogué. Audio: Pau Carulla. On show at the exhibition “Converses pedagògiques” Vic, ( Color, 1’50’’)
  • “Passes" (Footsteps), Art Director  Àlex Nogué. Shooting : Helena Nogué. Part of Video-Installation “Paisatge amb figures”. Sales Munuicipals. Girona. Production  Centre Cultural “La Mercé”. Ajuntament de Girona, (color, 7’)
  • "El mirall del jo” (The mirror of oneself), Art Director: Àlex Nogué. Production: Fundació espais d’art contemporani (color, 1’55’’)
  • "Gràcies" (Thanks) , Art Director: Àlex Nogué. Production: Fundació espais d’art contemporani (color, 2’20’’)
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