Edvard Lieber

born on Long Island
living and working on Long Island

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El Alcance de la Mutabilidad / Silencio Plural
1998–2000, 14 x 77 cm
gouache, acrylic, laser xerox, pastel, pencil, ink,
charcoal, volcanic ash, computer-generated imagery, silkscreen, texts and photographs by the artist
Parentesis de la Luz - Sintaxis Vagante
1996–98, 19 x 55.8 cm
gouache, acrylic, laser xerox, pastel, pencil, ink,
charcoal, volcanic ash, computer-generated imagery, silkscreen, texts and photographs by the artist



Parentesis de la Luz - Sintaxis Vagante




Parentesis de la Luz - Sintaxis Vagante
edd_lieber_ La Orilla de la Temporalidad
1996–98, 19 x 55.8 cm
gouache, acrylic, laser xerox, pastel, pencil, ink,
charcoal, volcanic ash, computer-generated imagery, silkscreen, texts and photographs by the artist



La Orilla de la Temporalidad

Lieber_04 La Revocación de la Implicidad
2008, 19.4 x 42.2 cm
Krist’l Archive print, #3/3
photographs of John Cage and Merce Cunningham, etc. by the artist
Lieber_05 Pasajea la Estructura de la Transitividad
1998–2000, 14 x 77 cm
gouache, acrylic, laser xerox, pastel, pencil, ink,
charcoal, volcanic ash, computer-generated imagery, silkscreen, texts and photographs by the artist